Getting your child a go-kart can offer various benefits, but it's important to consider factors such as safety, age appropriateness, and responsible supervision. Here are some reasons we feel a gocart is great for your family.

Skill Development

Go-karting can help develop important skills such as hand-eye coordination, awareness, and motor skills. Learning to control a go-kart can contribute to a child's overall physical development.

Outdoor Activity

Go-karting encourages outdoor play and physical activity. It provides an alternative to screen time and sedentary activities, promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Social Interaction

Go-karting can be a social activity, especially if your child has friends or family members who also enjoy it. It can be an opportunity for them to engage in friendly competitions and share experiences with others.

Responsibility and Discipline

Owning and maintaining a go-kart can teach children about responsibility and discipline. They may learn the importance of regular maintenance, following safety rules, and taking care of their equipment.

Building Confidence

Successfully driving a go-kart can boost a child's confidence. Overcoming challenges, mastering new skills, and achieving goals in a controlled environment can positively impact their self-esteem.

Introduction to Motorsports

If your child shows an interest in motorsports, go-karting can serve as an introduction to the world of racing. Many professional racing drivers started their careers in go-karts, and it can be a stepping stone to other forms of motorsports.

Family Bonding

Go-karting can be a family-friendly activity that allows parents and children to spend quality time together. Whether you're participating in go-karting events or simply enjoying some outdoor fun, it can strengthen family bonds.

While there are benefits to getting your child a go-kart, it's crucial to prioritize safety. Ensure that the go-kart is age-appropriate, provide proper safety gear (such as helmets and protective clothing), and supervise your child during go-karting activities. Additionally, be aware of local regulations and guidelines regarding the use of go-karts in your area. Always prioritize your child's safety and well-being.

Determining the best gas-powered go-kart can depend on various factors, including your specific needs, budget, and preferences. The Kayo S-70 is perhaps the best first go-kart for any child, a manageable 79 cc 4-stroke engine and fully automatic transmission. Disc brakes in the rear help you to control your speed and stop securely when you need to. An adjustable bucket seat is suitable for a range of child drivers. The S-70 is covered by a 6-month limited warranty. The kayo S70 is available in three colors including white, black and orange.  The Kayo holds .42 gallons of fuel and weighs in at 139lbs.